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If your connection is slow, you need this software.
If you have a high speed connection, you also need this software to have more speed.
If you like to play games online or over network, you need. Because you can minimize your “ping” time after the optimization.
If you want to surf faster, chat fast, download faster…
If you want to view streaming video/audio better…
If you want to prevent connection drops, you need this software. Because it prevents connection drops with Super-Ping tool.
If you want to awake your suspended connection, you need this software. Because it awakes your modem with Ping-Now function.
Digital Arts is the UK’s leading resource for creative professionals. Every edition is packed with forward-thinking design ideas, new digital techniques, and the future trends that every digital artist needs to be aware of. Inside each edition are tutorials that demonstrate bleeding-edge techniques using the latest creative software and design tools. Digital Arts consistently delivers high-quality content and prides itself on providing unbiased product-led information and professional advice, across all platforms and disciplines. Digital Arts uses extensive in-house lab facilities for product assays, producing top-class reviews and trustworthy lab tests. Whether are a creative professional, design student, or agency owner, Digital Arts is an essential piece of equipment for your digital toolbox.
Real Hide IP allows you to surf anonymously, keep your IP address hidden, protect your personal information against hackers and provide full encryption of your online activity, all with a simple click of a button.
Ophcrack is a Windows password cracker based on a time-memory trade-off using rainbow tables. This is a new variant of Hellman’s original trade-off, with better performance. It recovers 99.9% of alphanumeric passwords in seconds.
USB Lock is a protection application for all types of portable devices USB flash drives, thumb drives, memory sticks, external drives, and memory cards. The application protects your external portable drives across major operating platforms including Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. USB Lock is an extremely fast and lightweight application that does not require installation on the system or any administrative rights.
Google books can be viewed online but there is no way to make the contents available offline easily, Google book download is tools to download parts or entire books in pdf format. it is quite easy to use like a browser, one-click to download any book available in “full view” from Google books.
Sticky Password automatically fills login and password fields in web forms and usual dialog windows. It has an unique feature named “Sticky Button” which appears on any window that had password saved for. Careful backup feature will bkeep all your passwords safely stored until you will need them. Also Sticky Password allows to have multiple logins and passwords for a single account and there are many other useful features.
Disk Doctors Instant File Recovery Software will easily recover deleted files emptied from your Windows Recycle Bin.
Use Disk Doctors NTFS Data Recovery software to recover data from NTFS, NTFS5, drives as well as it supports recovery from dynamic drives created on NT/2000/XP/2003 platforms.
The Raid Redemption proves again how far behind American action films are. I’ve seen other great foreign action films like Ong-Bak, The Protector, and IP man but The Raid Redemption surpasses them by highlighting a martial art style not shown in any recent films. Its brutal and never lets up. It’s not your typical ultra clean fighting that has been done to death but something that looks real and desperate at times as people try to survive outnumbered. – IMDB Review
In the Jakarta slums, a derelict apartment building has become a no-go area – even the police are unwilling to enter. It has become a safe-house for the most dangerous killers and gangsters. A SWAT team infiltrate the building, under the cover of darkness, to remove its owner – a notorious drug lord named Tama.