Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10.1 – Turn Talk into Type! Most people speak over 120 words per minute but type less than 40 words per minute. What if you could create email, documents and spreadsheets simply by speaking? What if you could control your PC just by talking to it, starting programs, using menus, surfing the web?
Dragon NaturallySpeaking speech recognition software lets you control your digital world by voice — three times faster than typing. Turn ideas into text at the speed of thought. Tell your PC what to do and it does it. Use Dragon to talk your way through your “to-do” list — email, reports, spreadsheets, presentations, social networking, and more — quickly and confidently. Use a digital voice recorder and Dragon will transcribe the audio files when you return to your PC. With Dragon as your personal assistant, you’ll get more done faster for less stress and more success – at home, work, or wherever life takes you.