See the most comprehensive, entertaining and award-winning film about private military companies. winner of 4 LEO Film and TV awards, used as research for the movie “Blood Diamond”, screened on Capitol Hill and praised by Amnesty International, this unique politically balanced documentary is a must see for anyone who wants to know how the rules of war have changed – without watching propaganda. Voiced by “300” star Gerard Butler.

Shadow Company is a compelling film about men for hire who go into very dangerous places in the world to act as security agents for companies; to fight for governments; or whoever hires them. They are apolitical and are seemingly very good at what they do. The film takes no sides, doesn’t pull any punches, shows us just how dangerous and bloody fighting in todays troubled hot spots is. Some graphic footage of burning bodies may be disturbing but it did happen. There are about 20,000 mercenaries in Iraq at present. Others are in African countries where there is civil war. Some are in Afghanistan; or any place that is dangerous and there is need for men-with-guns; i.e. security agents. Read more on next page.