Poppa’s House revolves around a legendary talk radio host and happily divorced “Poppa” who has his point of view challenged at work when a new female co-host is hired, and at home where he finds himself still parenting his adult son, a brilliant dreamer who is trying to pursue his passion while being a responsible father and husband.
Season 1, Episode 01
Poppa gets surprised at work when corporate brings in brainy psychologist Dr. Ivy Reid to add a female perspective to his radio show. Also, Junior gets fired by Nina’s dad when he misses a big sales pitch to apply for a directing job.
Season 1, Episode 02 – “Sleepover”
When Dr. Ivy Reed joins Poppa’s family for dinner, she begins scrutinizing Nina and Junior’s relationship for potential catastrophe. Junior spends the night at his dad’s house while Nina and Ivy devise a plan over a bottle of wine.
Season 1, Episode 03 – “Podcast”
Junior enlists Nina’s help to film a documentary of Poppa’s iconic career, but the direction of the film takes a detour when the radio station begins using AI promos with Poppa’s and Ivy’s voices.
Season 1, Episode 04 – “School Days”
Junior and Nina turn to their parents for help paying tuition when their son gets accepted into a prestigious private school. While Poppa believes the kids will be just fine at public school, his ex-wife, Catherine, and Nina’s father, JJ, try to convince him that his grandson’s education is worth the investment.
Season 1, Episode 05 – “Disciplinairian”
When Junior and Nina’s son begins acting out, Poppa doles out parenting advice. Also, Poppa suspects Dr. Ivy Reed may be flirting with him.
Season 1, Episode 06 – “Family Photo”
Poppa wants a new family photo that doesn’t include his ex-wife, but Junior and Nina don’t want to leave Catherine out.
Season 1, Episode 07 – “Brokeback”
Poppa’s severe back pain keeps him from seeing a doctor, until Ivy offers to stay the night to care for him. Meanwhile, Nina makes Junior think he lost his wedding ring.
Season 1, Episode 08 – “Wig”
Poppa makes some drastic changes to his appearance after receiving bad news.
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